måndag 8 augusti 2011

Squats and Riots

Its is crazy and quite scary to be honest.
Tonight I went to three different supermarkets
and they were all closed because of the riots.
A friend went to another supermarket where
hundreds of people were trying to break in.
Seriously... Guys get a job - or go back to school.
If you are an honest and hard working person
you don't have time to riot all day. I walked
home today and driving by me were loads
of panzer police cars, ambulances and fire fighters.

Anyhow.... Phew a bit hard to put that aside.
Today I did four series of squats. Four weeks
ago I could do zero because of my knees. Am SO
excited about the new follow up with Shaun tomorrow.
Although I know things have happened it will be nice to
get them confirmed.

Now I am just going to chill and light a few candles and
send my thoughts to those affected by these idiots.

Lots of love

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