måndag 1 augusti 2011


The privilege of a lifetime is to be who you are :)
And I am me and I am so happy about that.
And you guys are in my life - that is a privilege as well!
Working to much with no break or no reward
makes you loose your life.
And more important - it makes you loose yourself.

Well the weekend in Switzerland was very enjoyable.
Nice training at the sweet local gym. I was on a
Du basis (formal greeting in Switzerland) with the
gym manager from the first minute and got to try
some new inspiring shakes and bars. Hanging out
with a familia, cuddling with cutey truffle dog Dinah
and seeing an AMAZING dance show by the American
Dance company. If it is ever in your town see it.
Black beauty at its finest!

Today I had a kick ass training! I have already gotten
so much better at my program that my PT is putting in
more goodies and next week I am getting a tougher
program. Body I love you!

Have a good night folks and fairies

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