fredag 8 juli 2011

New body

I just did a basic health check at my gym
and all is good - super low cholestrol,
ok sugar, good bmi, good body shape and
low blod pressure. This is so
interesting beacause I havent been as healthy as
I used to since I moved here - which still isn't
that unhealthy if you compare to everyone else.

But I have lost a lot of muscle since I moved to
the big L and now it is time to do something about
it. Next week I am starting.

Starting with a new PT (big man Shaun - motto "go hard
or go home"), cutting out some sugar and boosting
my protein intake. It is time for me to be my old self again.
Tonight I am going out on a hot date and the rest
of the weekend I am going to sleep and recharge.

Have a fab fab weekend.

1 kommentar:

  1. Go babe. U dont need it but go for it. That dude looks like someone u can scream at :D



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