onsdag 4 augusti 2010

Space and parking tickets

I do love my life in London but having been out of the city for a couple
of days I've started to notice how I now and then need space and a fix of
nature - seeing the sky, the lake, the mountains...

Living close to Harrod's I have come to witness how some people from the
Middle East ship their sports cars to London for the summer so they
can drive it around Harrod's fourteen times per day - no more is possible since the traffic
is complete madness. So, I couldn't help but feeling a bit smug when I saw that the parking police
apparently made a big raid today :)

I can only quote yoga guru Bikram:
Having is meaningless unless you know how to use.

Well, so what's up in Switzerland???
I am unwinding and enjoying the time with  my dear dear familly.
Today's task was an excursion to the neighbour village to get something nice for
dinner and I found the most amasing cheese and olives.

Tomorrow, I am taking the boat across the lake with sweetheart M for
a nice walk and in the evening I am taking a seat in the local cinema to see Knight
and Day and eat far too much popcorn.

Thursday and Friday will be sweating in the Bikram studio in Zurich, having a gorgeous
spa day with my beautiful sister and on Friday night the family is getting bigger by one
very special person.

Over and out and lots of love.

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