onsdag 21 juli 2010

Restless in London

I have checked everything.
I am heatlhy.
I have eaten enough.
I have had enough to drink and enough sleep (well, ok almost).
I have a lovely life with all I can ever need and so many beautiful days up ahead.

So what is wrong with me?
Why am I restless?
I wake up in the middle of the night.

Well, going through my inner scan, checking every tiny bits and pieces for
deficencies.... I realised I forgot tick on box.

Eight days to go.
Are you kidding?

Love and little jumps

2 kommentarer:

  1. kommer du till gbg då när du är leeeedig? pok Linda

  2. hjärtat jag kommer till gbg 3-5 sept och tänkte sätta mig på björns bar på lördagen den 4:de. Hoppas Du kan då annars får vi ta en fika. Puss och kram


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