söndag 18 augusti 2013

Crazy times

It is a beautiful Sunday morning. You know when you wake up and everything is
so quiet and peaceful and you feel you have an eternity ahead of you.
This week has been full on but lovely and full of so much fun and new doors

On Thursday it was the leaving drinks for dear, dear friend, colleague, partner in crime
and French darling L - we ended up having breakfast just the two of us in the Heron tower
on the 40th floor taking in the view of London before crawling back home at 4.30 am :)
I will miss seeing him every day but I know that although I might have lost a colleague
I still have a friend for life.

Friday was surprisingly productive at work and just a cozy nice evening at home. Saturday
meeting my friend adorable little puppy Lily who I will dog sit for ten days in September.

Afterwards I headed to the beautiful Lululemon people for some grounding,
soothing ISHTA yoga - one thing I will make sure to check out when I am in
Sweden next weekend. I love the community at the Lulu centres - they are full
of hugging, smiling and sweet people and it always gives me such a buzz to go

Saturday evening we went to gorgeous Swedish restaurant Lisa's in Notting Hill for
a crayfish party and delicious summer drinks. There was singing, funny hats, flowers
and live music. Lisa's opened three months ago and are already a huge success in the Swedish

Nope time to get some work done.

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