onsdag 3 juli 2013


Hello my little peeps,
It is mid week and things are looking good in London. Life is so amazing how it takes its turns. Sometimes when you are in the middle of the turmoil you forget that when one door closes - at least one new opens. So far there has been a lot of new possibilities and a lot of questions just got answered without force, just like that.

One of my questions has been should you forgive and forget even if someone very close to you has done something that could be described as pretty unforgivable. I have been asking myself this question for nine years. Was I ready? On Monday the opportunity presented itself and it all felt very natural. It was time to take a new big step. Even though you might not forget, forgiveness is a relief. 

It has also made me realise how lucky I am and how far I have made it. It hasn't been an easy road. It has been hard but I am moving on. 

I can't wait to see what the rest of the week has to offer. After all - how much fun would it be if it was predictable, if we knew, and if we stopped marvelling?

Lots of love

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