onsdag 11 juli 2012

Don't ever

Today I got into a massive fight with a colleague.
Ok massive might be a tiny bit of an overstatement but in my head
this fight would have gone off a lot worse if I wouldn't have to work
with the guy for the next couple of months.

The whole thing started with a fat percentage measurement that came back
from our yearly company health screening - stating a fat percentage for me
that I think is slightly off. Why? Because I regularly have my body fat measured
with calipers which is a more accurate way than the electric impulse devices
that are a better measure for how hydrated you are. Anyhow no big deal until the
creep gets fresh and says that he could do my body fat with a caliper and
we can see that "I would come out much fatter than I think I am".

So just for the record - I know I am not fat. BUT - and this is to all you guys out there.
Do NOT - never ever - call a girl fat. Write it with a water proof pen somewhere or
make a big mental note.

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