tisdag 19 juli 2011

Endorphine High

I can't believe that I actually
had forgotten the endorphine high
you get after cardio. Did 30 minutes on
the crosstrainer yesterday and it felt like flying.

Also, yesterday I did a proper assessment with Shaun
and I am a lot lower in body fat than I thought.
19% but I want to push it down to 15% and
I want to build more muscles.

He started with doing a full body fat check, and
no it is not holding your hands around a handle and
let a little bit of electricity go through you. It is the good
old fashioned way - twevle spots with the grippy thing
(something like a tang in Swedish).

Then he checked my food diary for the last three days
and I have to eat SO MUCH MORE PROTEIN.
I need 192g per day. Hardly any carbs and a little fat.
Have ordered 6 kilos of a recommended shake.
I am getting back to the power!

Today - Yoga over lunch and tonight more flying.
Friday I am getting Program number 1 :)

Have a fab day!

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