måndag 23 maj 2011

Ich bin ein Berliner

I love love LOOOOVE Berlin.
What a city. And what amazing company.

We ate so much amazing food, drank loads of nice
beer, saw amazing historic sites, went to crazy
bars and laughed.

Berlin is a super cool city and I want to go back
next year again. And out hotel was supergreat
with the best service imaginable.

I am the luckiest girl in the world who has the
best friends who always give me a boost when I
need it and make me feel like I am a little brave
warrior again.


This is the way to start a vacation - champagne and king crab

Andreas and Miya

Me and Sweet Hanna

Bratwurst - yuuummmm

More sausages



Breakfast yummm

A walking korv moj

The best delikatessen in Europe - loooove it

A must in Berlin

Yummie lunch on Saturday

Die Mauer

Old parts of the Mauer

Checkpoint Charlie

Schnitzel and fresh Asparagus 


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