torsdag 17 juni 2010

Wine and Skinny cocktails

Greetings dear ones,
A bit tired today after not too much sleep last night.
Was working late and then crashed into bed.
Although I almost didn’t wake up this morning
I went for a short run and it felt amazing.

On Thuesday I met up with finance guru Sara to
have some fab French food and wine.
Terroirs wine bar, close to Leceister Square,
was such an amazing place – the interior
truly French and two Frenchies behind the bar.
Yummie food- the most amazing mozzarella salad
and olives went down with some nice red wine.

Tonight Im going for Skinny cocktails at the Anthologist, a
trendy bar in the city. Tomorrow I am off to the hair dresser
during lunch – time to go true blonde again.
In the evening Im off to Yoga Ballet and then dinner with S.

Saturday is the day. Well Im not going to show you until I have
done it but a little hint for you....

Lots of love and lightnings

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