Good evening dear one’s.
Last hours at the office before deadline tomorrow.....
Feel amazing after finally having a really good session at a new chiropractor’s.
She massaged me before cracking my back and I feel so much better.
No more pain and I cant wait to go back next week.
I finally got the explanation for me being so tired lately.
My bloodpressure has hit extreme low – Im always low
But it has never been this bad.
And I got some really good advice on how to manage it until
I see a real doctor, eat salty liquorice, salty things (like popcorn),
nuts, fat fish and excercise.
And Chiro – I followed your advice straight away :)
Love and sweets
Sweets for my sweet
SvaraRaderaPassar utmärkt, har de tryffelpopkorn?
SvaraRaderaHa ha nix - ingen gor sa goda tryffelpopcorn som jag ;)