torsdag 3 juni 2010

Skane skane fosterland

SATC was oh so fab. I really enjoyed the movie and the company of sweetiepie Anna. Ok, the movie is loaded with product placements and commercials but you dont go for the excellent story. You go to see what happened. You go to see the glamour and the glitz. And boy oh boy did it deliver.

I got so inspired I got a treatment to day during lunchtime called Hollywood. Outch!!!!!
And boy oh boy did it hurt - my little body is still recovering from the hammering my chiropractor did on Thuesday.

Tonight Im off for a quick drink with work and then I am packing for a weekend in Skane. Graduation party, dinner, drinks and good good Swedish Summer (hopefully).
Oh how I am looking forward to Piggelin, Turkisk Peppar and meeting up with some good old friends.

Pic taken outside work
Have a fabulous weekend my dear darlings.

Love and lolliepops

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